No Sleep Till Brooklyn, mixed media, 24”w x 12”h

no sleep till brooklyn

24”w x12”h • mixed media on wood

For awhile I’ve been wanting to take my work in a more graffiti-esqe direction, and this was my foray into putting what’s been floating around my brain onto the canvas. I wasn’t sure where it would go, but that was the intriguing part.

I had a few particular images I wanted to include but the rest was decided by how much I would allow myself to risk and commit. And fate. The result was this crazy cacophony of controlled chaos that just fascinates me to no end, as I hope it does you!

I stumbled upon the title for this piece when I was making a video for social media and searching for a soundtrack that “felt like” this painting. While waxing nostalgic over my 80’s teen years, the Beastie Boys came to mind and No Sleep Till Brooklyn “described” it perfectly.

$925 framed